1. If the Board recommends that a person be disqualified, the Commission shall serve upon the person and the labor organization for which the person is performing the function or seeking to perform that function:
(a) A notice;
(b) A statement of the reasons for the recommendation; and
(c) Three copies of a form entitled “Notice of Defense.”
2. The notice of defense must read substantially as follows:
Notice of Defense
Instructions to Respondents: Two copies of this form should be filed with the Nevada Gaming Commission, Carson City, Nevada, within 15 days after service upon you of the enclosed complaint. The form must be signed by you or on your behalf. You will note that blanks are provided for any information you wish to supply.
Yes No
1. Do you request a hearing?.............................................................. ¨ ¨
2. Do you admit the facts stated in the complaint?....................... ¨ ¨
If you admit some of the facts stated in the complaint, but deny others, please specify:
(space for answer)
3. Are there any defenses or explanations which you
believe the Commission should consider?........................... ¨ ¨
If so, please specify:
(space for answer)
4. Do you wish to state any legal objections to the
complaint?................................................................................. ¨ ¨
If so, please specify:
(space for answer)
Note: If you fail to file two copies of this form as specified, the Commission may proceed upon the complaint without a hearing.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 1444; A 2001, 3094)