1. The Department, having good cause to believe that a licensed driver is incompetent or otherwise not qualified to be licensed, may upon written notice of at least 5 days to the licensee require the licensee to submit to an examination. Upon the conclusion of the examination the Department shall take action as may be appropriate and may suspend or revoke the license of the person or permit the person to retain the license, or may issue a license subject to restrictions as permitted under NRS 483.360 or restrictions as to the type or class of vehicles that may be driven. Refusal or neglect of the licensee to submit to the examination is grounds for suspension or revocation of the license.
2. Except for the suspension of a driver’s license pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 483.465, the Department shall not charge an additional fee or require an additional examination for the reinstatement of a revoked or suspended license if the additional fee or examination arises out of the same offense for which the license was previously revoked or suspended and the driver has previously reinstated the license after that offense.
[35:190:1941; 1931 NCL § 4442.34]—(NRS A 1969, 549; 1973, 126; 1985, 570; 1989, 1152; 1993, 271)