1. Every farm tractor and every self-propelled unit of farm equipment or implement of husbandry manufactured after January 1, 1970, shall be equipped with vehicular hazard-warning lamps of a type described in NRS 484D.205, visible from a distance of not less than 1,000 feet to the front and rear in normal sunlight, which shall be displayed whenever any such vehicle is operated upon a highway.
2. Every farm tractor and every self-propelled unit of farm equipment or implement of husbandry manufactured after January 1, 1970, shall at all times, and every other such vehicle shall, during the times mentioned in NRS 484D.100, be equipped with lamps and reflectors as follows:
(a) At least two headlamps meeting the requirements of NRS 484D.210.
(b) At least one red lamp visible when lighted from a distance of not less than 1,000 feet to the rear, mounted as far to the left of the center of the vehicle as practicable.
(c) At least two red reflectors visible from all distances within 600 feet to 100 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps.
3. Every combination of farm tractor and towed farm equipment or implement of husbandry shall at all times mentioned in NRS 484D.100 be equipped with lamps and reflectors as follows:
(a) The farm tractor shall be equipped as required in subsections 1 and 2.
(b) If the towed unit extends more than 4 feet to the rear of the tractor or obscures any lamp on the tractor, such unit shall be equipped on the rear with at least two red reflectors visible from all distances within 600 feet to 100 feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful lower beams of headlamps.
(c) If the towed unit extends more than 4 feet to the left of the centerline of the tractor, such unit shall be equipped on the front with an amber reflector visible from all distances within 600 feet to 100 feet to the front when directly in front of lawful beams of headlamps. Such reflector shall be so positioned as to indicate, as nearly as practicable, the extreme left projection of the towed unit.
4. The two red reflectors required by subsection 3 shall be so positioned as to show from the rear, as nearly as practicable, the extreme width of the vehicle or combination carrying them.
(Added to NRS by 1969, 1206)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.573)