1. It is unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated upon the public highways of the State of Nevada any out-of-state or foreign privately owned motor vehicle equipped with a red light or siren attached thereto as a part of the equipment of the vehicle.
2. This section is not intended to repeal, amend or in any manner change the existing law insofar as it applies to domestic and foreign motor vehicles except in the particular instance set out in subsection 1 and this section does not apply to motor vehicles registered in foreign states having reciprocal arrangements made with the Department in relation to the use of red lights and sirens upon out-of-state motor vehicles.
3. A violation of the provisions of this section is punishable by a fine of not more than $250.
[1:118:1951] + [2:118:1951] + [3:118:1951]—(NRS A 1957, 615; 1967, 595; 1985, 1952)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.609)