1. The Director, after a hearing, may adopt rules and regulations relating to pneumatic vehicle tires as the Director determines necessary to provide for public safety.
(a) In adopting these regulations, the Department shall consider, as evidence of generally accepted standards, the rules and regulations of the Federal Highway Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and publications of the Rubber Manufacturers Association.
(b) Adopted rules and regulations shall specify:
(1) Minimum tread depth of tires being operated on the highways; and
(2) Prohibitions on the use of recut or regrooved tires.
2. After adoption of such rules and regulations, no dealer or person holding a retail seller’s license shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale or install on a vehicle for use on a highway a pneumatic tire which is not in compliance with such rules and regulations.
3. After adoption of such rules and regulations, no person shall use on a highway a pneumatic tire which is not in conformance with the rules and regulations.
(Added to NRS by 1973, 219)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.642)