1. Peace officers and inspectors of the Department, in pursuance of assigned duty, having reasonable cause to believe that any vehicle or combination of vehicles is not equipped as required by this chapter or is in such unsafe condition as to endanger the driver or other occupant or any person upon a public highway or does not comply with any standards for tires or brakes adopted pursuant to subsection 4, may require the driver thereof to stop and submit the vehicle or combination of vehicles to an inspection of the mechanical condition or equipment thereof and such tests with reference thereto as may be appropriate.
2. If a vehicle or combination of vehicles is found to be in an unsafe mechanical condition or is not equipped as required by this chapter or does not comply with any standards for tires or brakes adopted pursuant to subsection 4, the peace officer or inspector causing the inspection to be made may give the owner of the vehicle a citation or notice of violation and further require the owner of the vehicle to produce in court or the office of the peace officer or inspector satisfactory evidence that the vehicle or its equipment has been made to conform with the requirements of this chapter and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
3. The Director may establish centers for the inspection of motor vehicles for safety at the branch offices of the Department for the purpose of inspecting vehicles intended to be registered in the State of Nevada. Inspections at these centers are limited to examination of tires and brakes on motor vehicles which have a declared gross weight of less than 10,000 pounds and which were manufactured more than 2 years before the date of inspection.
4. The Director shall adopt regulations prescribing the standards for tires and brakes.
[Part 21 1/2:166:1925; added 1951, 466]—(NRS A 1975, 1068; 1981, 867; 1985, 1839, 1955; 1999, 1146)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.695)