1. It is unlawful for any person to operate or move any vehicle or equipment described in NRS 484D.615 or 484D.685 to 484D.725, inclusive, over any highway without first obtaining a permit, or to violate or evade any of the terms or conditions of the permit when issued. A person violating any of the provisions of NRS 484D.685 to 484D.740, inclusive, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
2. Any person operating or moving any vehicle or equipment described in NRS 484D.615 or 484D.685 to 484D.725, inclusive, over any highway under the authorization of a permit for continuous use or multiple trips over a limited time and who violates any weight limitation in excess of the weight authorized by the permit must be punished, upon conviction, as provided in NRS 484D.680.
[5:154:1951; A 1953, 360]—(NRS A 1969, 1508; 1975, 1114; 1981, 208; 1987, 506; 2007, 2735)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 484.769)