1. Where a certificate, permit, rating or license is required for an airman by the United States, it shall:
(a) Be kept in the airman’s personal possession when he or she is operating within the State.
(b) Be presented for inspection upon the demand of any peace officer, or any other officer of this state or of a municipality, or any official, manager or person in charge of any airport upon which the airman shall land, or upon the reasonable request of any other person.
2. Where a certificate, permit or license is required by the United States for an aircraft, it shall:
(a) Be carried in the aircraft at all times while the aircraft is operating in the State.
(b) Be conspicuously posted in the aircraft where it may be readily seen by passengers or inspectors.
(c) Be presented for inspection upon the demand of any peace officer, or any other officer of the State or of a municipality, or any official, manager or person in charge of any airport upon which the aircraft shall land, or upon the reasonable request of any person.
[6:114:1947; 1943 NCL § 288.6]—(NRS A 1959, 64)