1. Each person required to have a license or permit as provided in this title who, while engaged in any activity regulated by this title, refuses to exhibit the license or permit, any wildlife which the person may have in his or her possession, or any weapon, ammunition, device or apparatus in his or her possession which may be used for any activity regulated by this title, upon the demand of any officer authorized to enforce the fish and game laws of this State, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
2. Each person required to have a license or permit as provided in this chapter who, while engaged in any activity regulated by this title, fails to have the license or permit in his or her possession is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person charged with violating this subsection may not be convicted if the person produces in court a license or permit previously issued to the person and valid at the time of his or her arrest.
[Part 55:101:1947; A 1955, 86]—(NRS A 1969, 1354; 1981, 543; 1991, 262; 2005, 1311)