1. Any person employed by the Administrator pursuant to the provisions of this chapter must not:
(a) Be an officer, director or employee, or have any personal or private interest in any operating mine, mill, smelter or ore reduction plant or the products thereof;
(b) Hold, directly or indirectly, any financial interest in any company, partnership, organization or corporation or subsidiary of a corporation, which owns, operates or has a financial interest in any mines which are subject to the provisions of this chapter; or
(c) Be an officer or employee of any labor organization.
2. A person appointed as the Assistant Administrator responsible for the inspection of mines must have at least 7 years of technical, operational or management experience in at least two of the following areas:
(a) Mines;
(b) Mills;
(c) Beneficiation plants; or
(d) Smelters,
Ê at least 3 years of which must be in underground mining.
[Part 3:176:1909; RL § 4200; NCL § 4210]—(NRS A 1969, 1002; 1973, 1480; 1975, 517; 1981, 1530; 1991, 65; 1993, 1681)