1. Operators shall maintain records and reports and shall submit, at least annually and at such other times as the Administrator deems necessary, and in the form the Administrator prescribes, reports of production, employment, mine activity and status, accidents, bodily injuries, loss of life, occupational illnesses and related data.
2. The Administrator shall compile, keep and analyze and may publish, either in summary or detailed form, the information obtained pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1.
3. Operators shall notify the Administrator before opening and upon closing mine operations. The notice must include the name and location of the mine, the name and address of the operator, the name of the person in charge of the operation, a statement of whether the operation will be continuous or intermittent, and upon closing, a statement of whether the closing is temporary or permanent.
[Part 6:176:1909; A 1917, 29; 1919 RL § 4203; NCL § 4213]—(NRS A 1975, 519; 1979, 85; 1981, 1532)