1. The Administrator may enter all mines in this state subject to the provisions of this chapter, for the purposes of inspections, investigations or access to records and reports required to be maintained or for any other purpose necessary in the proper discharge of the Administrator’s official duties. Operators shall render the Administrator such assistance as may be required to enable the Administrator to make a full, thorough and complete inspection or investigation of each and every part of such mine or mines. No advance notice of an inspection must be provided to any operator, worker, or representative of the workers, if any, at such mine.
2. At the commencement of any inspection of a mine by the Administrator, the authorized representative of the workers at the mine must be given an opportunity to accompany the Administrator on the inspection and to participate in any conference held at the conclusion of the inspection. If there is no representative of the workers, the Administrator shall consult with a reasonable number of workers concerning matters of health and safety at the mine.
[Part 5:176:1909; A 1911, 402; 1925, 13; 1947, 680; 1951, 246]—(NRS A 1967, 600; 1971, 141; 1975, 520; 1981, 1533)