1. Whenever any worker or a representative of the workers, if any, has reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of a health or safety regulation or standard exists, or an imminent danger exists, the worker or representative of the workers may obtain an inspection by giving notice to the Administrator of the violation or danger.
2. The notice must be in writing, signed by the worker or representative of the workers, and a copy must be provided to the operator no later than at the time of inspection, except that, upon the request of the person giving notice, the person’s name and the names of individual workers referred to therein must not appear in the copy.
3. Upon receipt of notification by the Administrator, an inspection in accordance with the provisions of this chapter may be made as soon as practicable to determine if a violation or imminent danger exists.
[7:176:1909; A 1955, 148]—(NRS A 1975, 522; 1981, 1535)