1. Whenever a serious accident occurs in any mine in this state subject to the provisions of this chapter, the operator shall, immediately and by the quickest means, notify the Administrator or the Administrator’s deputy, as may be most convenient, of the accident, and shall take appropriate measures to preserve everything which might assist the Administrator in determining the cause or causes of the accident. Except as necessary to alleviate or eliminate any situation constituting an imminent danger or an unwarranted danger to property, a person shall not alter any condition which might assist the Administrator in determining the cause or causes of the accident.
2. The Administrator may investigate fully the cause of the accident as soon as practicable after receipt of notification.
[Part 10:176:1909; A 1947, 680; 1955, 148]—(NRS A 1975, 523; 1981, 1535; 1991, 66)