1. The Director of the Bureau of Mines and Geology, for and on behalf of the State of Nevada, with the approval of the Governor, is authorized to enter into agreements with the United States Geological Survey for cooperation in investigating mineral and geological conditions within the State and in the topographic and geologic mapping of Nevada. The expenses of such work must be divided between the parties upon a basis whereby the State of Nevada will not pay more than 50 percent of such expenses.
2. Money necessary to carry out the provisions of this section must be provided pursuant to NRS 519A.260.
3. All claims against such money must be approved by the Director of the Bureau of Mines and Geology, and, when thereafter approved by the State Board of Examiners, must be paid in the same manner as other claims against the State.
[1:40:1953] + [2:40:1953] + [3:40:1953]—(NRS A 1971, 370; 1995, 828)