1. After December 12, 1862, conveyances of mining claims shall require the same formalities and shall be subject to the same rules of construction as the transfers and conveyances of other real property.
2. All conveyances of mining claims made prior to December 12, 1862, by bills of sale or other instruments in writing, with or without seals, recorded or unrecorded, shall be construed in accordance with the lawful local rules, regulations and customs of the miners in the several mining districts of the Territory of Nevada; and if, prior to December 12, 1862, regarded as valid and binding in such mining districts, shall have the same force and effect between the parties thereto, as prima facie evidence of sale, as if such conveyances had been made by deed under seal.
3. The location and transfers of mining claims made prior to December 12, 1862, shall be established and proved in contestation before courts by the local rules, regulations and customs of the miners in the several mining districts of the Territory of Nevada in which such location and transfers were made.
[1:14:1862; B § 307; BH § 2650; C § 2720; RL § 1100; NCL § 1561] + [2:14:1862; B § 308; BH § 2651; C § 2721; RL § 1101; NCL § 1562] + [3:14:1862; B § 308; BH § 2652; C § 2722; RL § 1102; NCL § 1563]
NRS 517.380 Validity of previous conveyances of mining claims or locations by minors more than 18 years of age. In all cases in this state since July 1, 1867, where minors over the age of 18 years have sold interests acquired by them in mining claims or locations within this state, by virtue of their having located such claims, or having been located therein by others, and have executed deeds purporting to convey such interests, such deeds, if otherwise sufficient in law, shall be held valid and sufficient to convey such interest fully and completely, notwithstanding the minority of the grantor, and without any power or right of subsequent revocation. This section does not apply to cases where any fraud was practiced upon such minor, or any undue or improper advantage was taken by the purchaser or any other person to induce such minor to execute such deed.
[1:49:1869; B § 317; BH § 2653; C § 2723; RL § 1103; NCL § 1564] + [2:49:1869; B § 318; BH § 2654; C § 2724; RL § 1104; NCL § 1565]—(NRS A 1973, 1579)