1. If at any time the locator of any mining claim located before, on or after March 16, 1897, or the locator’s assigns, apprehends that the locator’s original certificate of location was defective or erroneous, or that the requirements of the law had not been complied with before filing, or if he or she is desirous of changing his or her surface boundaries or of taking in any part of an overlapping claim which has been abandoned, or in case the original certificate of location was made before March 16, 1897, and he or she is desirous of securing the benefits of this chapter, the locator, or the locator’s assigns, may file an amended certificate of location, subject to the provisions of this chapter, if the amendment does not interfere with the existing rights of others at the time of the amendment.
2. The amendment or the record thereof does not preclude the claimant from proving any title the claimant held under previous locations.
3. Where a common error occurs in more than one certificate of location, the locator may record one document which describes the error, makes reference to the claims by name and the date, book and page of recording and states the desired amendment.
[6:89:1897; C § 213; RL § 2427; NCL § 4125]—(NRS A 1969, 498; 1985, 1501)