1. Any person who is the bona fide owner of stock shares representing the value of one-fifth of 1 percent of the original capital stock of any company incorporated for the purpose of working upon and mining in any lode, ledge, deposit or bed of the precious metals or useful minerals in this State, and any number of persons who are bona fide owners of an aggregate number of mining shares, amounting in value to one-fifth of 1 percent of such capital stock, at the time application for a permit to examine any such mine shall be made, may, upon a written order from the county clerk or from the justice of the peace of the township in which such lode, ledge, deposit or bed is located, fully examine all of the shafts, adits, borings, drifts, stopes, hoisting apparatus, properties and appurtenances belonging to any such mining company.
2. Not more than one owner of such percentage or aggregate percentages of such mining stock, either in person or by an accredited agent, is entitled to such written order for examination of any specified mine or mining property oftener than twice in 1 month; these days shall, however, not be less than 14 days apart.
3. The superintendent or other person or persons in charge of any incorporated mining claim or mining property in this State shall keep posted in some conspicuous place at or near the mine the day of the week in which authorized stockholders may be admitted under the provisions of NRS 520.110 to 520.150, inclusive, and shall, on such day, admit any authorized stockholder to examine all of the shafts, adits, borings, drifts, stopes, hoisting apparatus, properties and appurtenances belonging to any such mining company.
[1:41:1877; A 1879, 57; BH § 284; C § 301; RL § 2492; NCL § 4194]—(NRS A 1959, 119)