1. A person desiring to drill a well in search of oil or gas shall notify the Division of that intent on a form prescribed by the Division and shall pay a fee in an amount established pursuant to subsection 2 for a permit for each well. Upon receipt of the notification and fee, the Division shall promptly issue to the person a permit to drill, unless the drilling of the well is contrary to law or a regulation or order of the Division. The drilling of a well is prohibited until a permit to drill is obtained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. The Commission on Mineral Resources shall, by regulations, establish the fee required pursuant to subsection 1 in an amount not to exceed $200 per permit.
[5:202:1953]—(NRS A 1977, 1151; 1983, 2080; 1993, 1689; 1999, 892, 3632; 2001, 66)