1. A logging plan including, but not limited to, the following information:
(a) An accurate topographical map showing exterior boundaries of the areas to be logged and the roads, structures and landings, existing and proposed.
(b) The volume of timber to be removed.
(c) The time required for removal of such volume.
(d) The specification as to the percentage of merchantable volume to be removed and the composition of any residual stand.
(e) The revegetation plan, if applicable.
(f) The slash-disposal and cleanup plans.
(g) The road construction specifications and erosion control measures.
(h) An outline of the fire prevention and protection plans and procedures.
(i) A description of tools and equipment suitable and available for fire fighting, and the number of persons normally available for fire fighting.
2. If a variance is requested pursuant to NRS 528.048, the applicant shall also furnish the State Forester Firewarden with information and data regarding:
(a) Soil characteristics;
(b) Reproduction capability of the area;
(c) Ground and litter cover;
(d) Soil erosion hazards;
(e) Natural drainage features;
(f) Percent of gradient and aspect of slopes;
(g) Description of the method of logging and equipment to be used; and
(h) Such other information as the State Forester Firewarden may require.
3. A performance bond in an amount set by the State Forester Firewarden and based upon the contract price or value of the timber to be cut, which shall be conditioned upon compliance with all provisions of the logging permit, and shall be approved as to form and sufficiency by the State Forester Firewarden.
(Added to NRS by 1971, 1445; A 1973, 460)