1. No person may engage in tractor logging on a slope whose gradient is 30 percent or more without first obtaining a variance from the State Forester Firewarden.
2. The State Forester Firewarden shall act on a request for a variance within 45 days after receipt of a proper application, which shall include the information required by subsection 2 of NRS 528.043. If a variance is granted, it is subject to such conditions and requirements as the State Forester Firewarden may prescribe.
3. In acting on a request for a variance, the State Forester Firewarden shall consider the following factors:
(a) The extent to which tractor logging may destroy advanced regeneration and litter cover;
(b) The extent to which tractor logging may cause soils to be displaced or erode; and
(c) The extent to which tractor logging may cause siltation and eroded soils to infiltrate the 200-foot stream buffer.
4. An applicant may request a hearing before the State Forester Firewarden within 10 days after the denial of a request for a variance.
5. Upon any final denial, any performance bond shall be returned to the applicant.
(Added to NRS by 1973, 459)