1. Areas of old-growth timber shall have reserved and left uncut for future crops all sound, immature trees 18 inches d.b.h. or less, with an average of not less than 10 satisfactorily located seed trees 18 inches d.b.h. or larger to be left per acre, and no area will be more than one-eighth mile from seed source unless the area is adequately stocked. Seed trees shall be approved by the State Forester Firewarden.
2. Areas of young-growth and prior-cut timber harvested for saw logs and veneer logs shall have reserved and left uncut for future crops all sound, immature trees of 18 inches d.b.h. or less, with an average of not less than 10 satisfactorily located seed trees 18 inches d.b.h. or larger to be left per acre, and no area will be more than one-eighth mile from the seed source unless the area is adequately stocked. Seed trees shall be approved by the State Forester Firewarden.
3. On areas of young-growth and prior-cut timber where forest products other than saw logs and veneer logs are being harvested an adequately stocked stand shall be left.
4. The following may be cut regardless of size:
(a) Trees with dead tops.
(b) Trees with butt burns, with over half of the circumference burned and exposed wood showing decay.
(c) Trees with bad lightning scars.
(d) Trees infested with insects or disease.
(e) Trees injured or broken during operations.
(f) Trees to be removed for purpose of clearing of rights-of-way, landings, campsites or firebreaks.
(g) Excessively crooked trees.
(h) Suppressed trees with less than 25 percent crown.
5. No tractor logging shall be conducted on saturated soils.
Ê The provisions of this section do not apply if trees are being removed to change the use of the land from forest production to another use, but the timber owner or the agent of the timber owner shall obtain a timberland conversion certificate as provided in this chapter.
[5:355:1955]—(NRS A 1961, 165; 1971, 1449; 1973, 461)