1. A conversion plan on a form prescribed by the State Forester Firewarden, which shall set forth in detail information pertaining to:
(a) The present and future use of such land;
(b) The soil and topography of such land;
(c) The conversion techniques;
(d) The conversion time schedule; and
(e) Such other information as the State Forester Firewarden may require.
2. An affidavit on a form prescribed by the State Forester Firewarden, which shall include:
(a) The name of the applicant;
(b) The nature of the use to which such land is to be devoted;
(c) The dates when such conversion is to commence and be completed; and
(d) The signature of the applicant.
3. A performance bond of not less than an amount equal to $75 for each acre of the land to be converted, which shall be conditioned on compliance with the provisions of the timberland conversion certificate, and shall insure the cost of any needed stabilization, revegetation or rehabilitation work. Such performance bond shall be in one of the following forms:
(a) A surety bond with a surety qualified to do business in this state.
(b) A personal bond accompanied by a deposit of:
(1) Cash, a cashier’s check or a money order in the required amount; or
(2) Negotiable securities acceptable to the State Forester Firewarden in the required amount together with a power of attorney in favor of the State Forester Firewarden to sell such securities in the event of default.
(c) An individual surety executed on a form prescribed by the State Forester Firewarden and guaranteed by at least two persons of financial standing acceptable to the State Forester Firewarden.
4. Such additional information as the applicant may desire to submit or as the State Forester Firewarden may require.
(Added to NRS by 1971, 1447)