1. Any and all maps, plats, surveys and evidence on file in the Office of the State Engineer relating to any proof of appropriation involved in the proceeding for the determination of the relative rights in and to the waters of any stream system, obtained or filed under the provisions of this chapter or any preceding act relating to the Office of State Engineer, shall be admissible in court and shall have the same force and effect as though obtained and submitted under the provisions of this chapter.
2. At least 90 days prior to the rendering of his or her order of determination of the relative rights in and to the waters of any stream system, the State Engineer shall notify all parties in interest of his or her intention to consider such maps, plats and evidence, and of his or her intention to submit the findings of the State Engineer to the court under the provisions of this chapter. The notice shall be given in the manner prescribed in NRS 533.110.
3. Within 60 days after such notice, any party in interest may file with the State Engineer any additional or supplementary maps, plats, surveys or evidence, or objections to the admissibility of any evidence hitherto presented and on file in the office of the State Engineer, in relation to his or her claim of water right or adverse to the claim or claims of the water right of any other party or parties in interest, in order so to perfect his or her claim in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and the State Engineer shall consider the whole thereof in rendering such order of determination, and the same shall become a part of the record which shall be submitted to the court as provided by NRS 533.165 to 533.235, inclusive.
[88a:140:1913; added 1915, 378; 1919 RL p. 3248; NCL § 7975]