1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2 and NRS 534.180, every person desiring to sink or bore a well in any basin or portion therein in the State designated by the State Engineer, as provided for in this chapter, must first make application to and obtain from the State Engineer a permit to appropriate the water, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 533 of NRS relating to the appropriation of the public waters, before performing any work in connection with the boring or sinking of the well.
2. Upon written application and a showing of good cause, the State Engineer may issue a written waiver of the requirements of subsection 1:
(a) For exploratory wells to be drilled to determine the availability of water or the quality of available water;
(b) To allow temporary use of the water in constructing a highway or exploring for water, oil, gas, minerals or geothermal resources; or
(c) For wells to be drilled in shallow groundwater systems and pumped to alleviate potential hazards to persons and property resulting from the rise of groundwater caused by secondary recharge. If practical, approved by the State Engineer and consistent with this chapter and chapter 533 of NRS, the withdrawn water must be used for some other beneficial use.
3. In other basins or portions of basins which have not been designated by the State Engineer no application or permit to appropriate water is necessary until after the well is sunk or bored and water developed. Before any diversion of water may be made from the well, the appropriator must make application to and obtain from the State Engineer, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 533 of NRS, a permit to appropriate the water.
4. Upon written application and a showing of good cause, the State Engineer may issue a written waiver of the requirements of subsection 3, to allow temporary use of water in constructing a highway or exploring for water, oil, gas, minerals or geothermal resources.
5. Any person using water after a permit has been withdrawn, denied, cancelled, revoked or forfeited is guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day of violation of this subsection constitutes a separate offense and is separately punishable.
[6:178:1939; A 1943, 139; 1947, 52; 1949, 128; 1953, 190]—(NRS A 1957, 716; 1967, 1053; 1979, 183, 242; 1981, 659; 1983, 2090; 1985, 490; 1987, 1776; 1997, 1621; 2007, 842)