[3:100:1866; A 1889, 96; C § 427; RL § 4712; NCL § 7999]—(NRS A 2009, 703)
NRS 536.090 Applicability of NRS 536.060 to 536.090, inclusive. NRS 536.060 to 536.090, inclusive, shall apply, and the rights and privileges therein conferred shall inure, to the benefit of all persons or corporations who have, prior to March 3, 1866, constructed, and now maintain, ditches, flumes or aqueducts in this state, from whatever source they may have procured water, such persons or corporations being required to make and file the certificate mentioned in NRS 536.060, and upon such filing, the person or persons filing the same shall be authorized, from time to time, to extend the ditch or flume, and proceed to condemn private property for such ditch or flume, or for any reservoir or reservoirs connected, or to be used in connection, with such ditch or flume, as provided in NRS 536.070.
[4:100:1866; B § 3855; BH § 365; C § 428; RL § 4713; NCL § 8000]