537.020 Virgin River declared navigable; title to lands below high-water mark held by State. All of the Virgin River, including its sources confluent above St. Thomas, insofar as the waters thereof traverse the State of Nevada, particularly within the counties of Lincoln and Clark, is hereby declared to be a navigable stream for purposes of fixing ownership of the banks and bed thereof, and title to the lands below the high-water mark thereof is held by the State of Nevada.
[1:96:1921; NCL § 7810]
NRS 537.030 Winnemucca Lake declared navigable; title to bed held by State. Winnemucca Lake, located in Townships 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 North, Ranges 23 and 24 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada, is a navigable body of water and title to the bed thereof is held by the State of Nevada.
[1:51:1921; NCL § 8345]