538.480 Representation of Nevada on joint commission. The Columbia Basin Interstate Compact Commission of the State of Nevada shall represent the State of Nevada on a joint commission composed of commissioners representing the States of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, and one commissioner representing the United States of America should such commissioner be appointed to the joint commission by the President of the United States, which joint commission shall be organized for the purpose of negotiating and entering into a compact or agreement between not less than five of such states with the consent of the Congress of the United States respecting the division, lawful diversion, distribution, apportionment and use of the waters of the Columbia River and all streams tributary thereto, including the Snake River and its tributaries, with due regard to the determination of legal rights appurtenant thereto, and fixing and determining a method of regulation, administration and control of such river and its tributaries.
[Part 1:218:1951]