1. To make such investigations of the Columbia River, including the Snake River and its tributaries, and the drainage thereof, as may be necessary in order to determine the facts as to physical conditions obtaining upon such river and its tributaries, and of the present and future needs of the State of Nevada and its citizens, to the proper use and benefits of the waters of such river, and its tributaries.
2. To perform such other duties as may be necessary to determine sufficiently such facts and to secure the necessary information in order that they may properly perform their duties as commissioners of the State of Nevada upon the joint commission.
NRS 538.520 Duties of Governor. The Governor of Nevada shall advise the Governors of the States of Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho of the enactment of NRS 538.420 to 538.520, inclusive, and request that reciprocal legislation be enacted by such states and that a proper resolution or statute be adopted by the Congress of the United States granting permission to the States of Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and Nevada to enter into a compact or agreement respecting the control of the waters of the Columbia River and its tributaries.