1. To make and enforce all reasonable regulations for the management, control and delivery of water, subject to the provisions of NRS 416.060.
2. To withhold the delivery of water upon which there are any defaults or delinquencies of payment.
3. Subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by the board of directors, to provide for and declare forfeitures of rights to the use of water upon default or failure to comply with any order, contract or agreement for the purchase, lease or use of water and to resell, lease or otherwise dispose of water upon which forfeiture has been declared.
4. To allocate and reallocate the use of water to lands within the district.
5. To provide for and grant the right, upon terms, to transfer water from lands to which water has been allocated to other lands within the district and to discharge liens from lands to which same was theretofore attached and to create liens, as provided in this chapter, upon lands to which the use of such water is transferred.
[29:380:1955]—(NRS A 1977, 552)