1. Petitions for including additional territory within an existing district shall be filed with the State Conservation Commission.
2. The proceedings provided for in this chapter in the case of petitions to organize a district shall be observed in the case of petitions for inclusion, except that the application for a certificate of inclusion shall be signed by the chair and the secretary of the governing body of the district into which the additional territory is to be included.
3. The State Conservation Commission shall prescribe the form for the petitions, which shall be, as nearly as practicable, in the form prescribed in this chapter for petitions to organize a district.
4. Where the total number of land occupiers in the area proposed for inclusion shall be less than 25, the petition may be filed when signed by a majority of the occupiers of such area, and in such case no referendum need be held.
5. In referenda upon petitions for inclusion, all occupiers of land lying within the proposed additional area shall be eligible to vote.
6. The Commission shall determine whether or not such inclusion shall be made.
[Part 5:212:1937; A 1947, 431; 1951, 190]—(NRS A 1973, 763)