1. The five appointed supervisors shall present to the Administrative Officer of the Division an application signed by them, which states:
(a) That a petition for the creation of the district was filed with the Commission pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and that the proceedings specified in this chapter were taken pursuant to that petition.
(b) That the application is being filed in order to complete the organization of the district as a governmental subdivision and a public body, corporate and politic, under this chapter.
(c) That the Commission has appointed them as supervisors.
(d) The name and official residence of each of the supervisors, together with a certified copy of the appointments evidencing their right to office.
(e) The term of office of each of the supervisors.
(f) The name which is proposed for the district.
(g) The location of the principal office of the supervisors of the district.
2. The application must be subscribed and sworn to by each of the supervisors before a person authorized to take and certify oaths, who shall certify upon the application that the person personally knows the supervisors and knows them to be the officers as affirmed in the application, and that each has subscribed thereto in the officer’s presence.
3. The application must be accompanied by a statement by the Commission:
(a) That a petition was filed, notice issued and hearing held as required by this chapter.
(b) That the Commission did determine that there is need, in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, for a conservation district to function in the proposed territory and did define the township or townships to be included.
(c) That notice was given and a referendum held on the question of the creation of such a district, and that a majority of the votes cast in such referendum were in favor of the creation of the district.
(d) That thereafter the Commission did determine that the operation of the proposed district is administratively practicable and feasible.
4. The statement must set forth the township or townships to be included.
[Part 5:212:1937; A 1947, 431; 1951, 190]—(NRS A 1973, 749; 1975, 902; 1985, 779)