1. For the purposes of this section:
(a) Area 1 consists of Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander and Pershing counties.
(b) Area 2 consists of Carson City and Churchill, Douglas, Lyon, Storey and Washoe counties.
(c) Area 3 consists of Clark, Esmeralda, Lincoln, Mineral, Nye and White Pine counties.
2. Not later than September 1, 1973, the Nevada Association of Conservation Districts shall submit to the Governor a list of at least 15 persons, no more than one of whom resides in any one county or conservation district. The list shall include five persons from each of the areas designated in subsection 1.
3. The Governor shall appoint to the Commission one person from each area for a term of 2 years, one person from each area for a term of 4 years, and a member at large, from any area, for a term of 4 years. Upon the expiration of these initial terms, each member shall be appointed for a term of 4 years, except to fill a vacancy for the unexpired term.
4. At least 60 days prior to the expiration of each group of terms, the Nevada Association of Conservation Districts shall submit to the Governor a list of at least nine persons, no more than one of whom resides in any one county or conservation district. The list shall include three persons from each of the areas designated in subsection 1. The Governor shall appoint a person from the same area to succeed each member whose term expires, except that the successor of the member at large may be from any area.
5. Any appointed member who fails to attend three consecutive, regular meetings of the Commission shall, at the recommendation of the Commission, be replaced for the balance of such member’s term of office.
6. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Governor from the names on the last list presented to the Governor by the Nevada Association of Conservation Districts.
[Part 4:212:1937; A 1951, 190]—(NRS A 1973, 741)