1. A certified copy of the county extension work budget as adopted and approved pursuant to NRS 549.020 must be filed with the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education within 10 days after its approval by the board of county commissioners.
2. Necessary modifications thereof, involving county and state funds, resulting from leaves of absence without pay, resignations, changes in salary, dismissals or employment of any cooperative agent, variations in expense accounts or otherwise, not involving an increase in the total expenditures provided to be paid from the funds and consistent with the purposes of this chapter, may be made by filing with the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education and the board of county commissioners a revised budget, approved by the Director of the Agricultural Extension Department of the Public Service Division of the Nevada System of Higher Education and countersigned by the Treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
[3:94:1947; 1943 NCL § 356.3]—(NRS A 1969, 1444; 1993, 414)