1. The Director may require the applicant to show, upon examination, that the applicant possesses adequate knowledge concerning the proper use and application of pesticides and the dangers involved and precautions to be taken in connection with their application.
2. If the applicant is not a natural person, the applicant shall designate an officer, member or technician of the organization to take the examination. The person so designated is subject to the approval of the director. If the extent of the applicant’s operations require it, the Director may require more than one officer, member or technician to take the examination.
3. The applicant or the person designated by the applicant in accordance with the provisions of subsection 2 must have attained the age of majority and have:
(a) Not less than 2 years’ practical experience in pest control; or
(b) Possess university credits of not less than 16 credit hours in biological sciences of which not less than 8 credit hours must be in subjects directly related to the categories of pest control in which the applicant wishes to be licensed and have 6 or more months of practical experience in pesticide application or related pest control.
4. The requirements of subsection 3 do not apply to persons holding a license issued by the Director before July 1, 1973, or to the renewal of the license of any such person.
[Part 3:215:1955]—(NRS A 1959, 243; 1961, 530; 1967, 368; 1971, 1254; 1973, 1505; 1993, 1716; 1999, 3647)