1. Whenever a noxious weed is found growing upon the public domain or any other lands in this State owned by the Federal Government, the State Quarantine Officer may serve notice, as provided in NRS 555.160, upon the person within the county or this State who is in charge of the activities of the federal agency having control or jurisdiction of the land.
2. If the agency described in the notice fails or refuses to comply with the notice, the State Quarantine Officer may provide for the cutting, destruction or eradication of the weeds in any manner permitted by federal law. The State Quarantine Officer or the political subdivision shall seek reimbursement from the Federal Government for any expense incurred by the State or the political subdivision pursuant to this section.
[7:174:1929; NCL § 420]—(NRS A 1961, 525; 1979, 292; 1997, 480)
NRS 555.201 Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of NRS 555.130 to 555.200, inclusive, or failing, refusing or neglecting to perform or observe any conditions or regulations prescribed by the State Quarantine Officer, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 555.130 to 555.200, inclusive, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Part 9:174:1929; NCL § 422]—(NRS A 1969, 518)