1. Any county, city, town, township or other peace officer or poundmaster who impounds under the provisions of any state law or county or municipal ordinance any livestock shall, immediately after impounding the livestock, send a written notice to the Department.
2. The notice must contain a full description, including all brands and marks, sex, age, weight, color and kind of each animal so impounded.
3. For the sale of livestock if the owner of the livestock is not known, and for the sale of the impounded livestock as prescribed by law, all notices posted or advertisements published by any officer or other person having charge of the sale must include, unless the livestock is feral livestock, a complete description of each animal to be sold, including all brands and marks, sex, age, weight, color and kind.
[1:182:1925; NCL § 3990]—(NRS A 1959, 641; 1961, 546; 1993, 1744; 1999, 3683; 2003, 2153)