1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, if the owner or probable owner of an estray cannot with reasonable diligence be determined by the Department or its authorized agent, the Department shall advertise the estray or cause it to be advertised.
2. A notice of the estray, with a full description, giving brands, marks and colors thereon, must be published in a newspaper published at the county seat of the county in which the estray was taken up. If there is no newspaper published at the county seat of the county, the notice must be published in the newspaper published at the nearest point to that county.
3. Expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of subsections 1 and 2 must be deducted from the proceeds of the sale of the estray advertised.
4. The Department may sell an injured, sick or otherwise debilitated estray if, as determined by the Department, the sale of the estray is necessary to facilitate the placement or other disposition of the estray. If an estray is sold pursuant to this subsection, the Department shall give a brand inspection clearance certificate to the purchaser.
[5:27:1923; A 1931, 83; 1931 NCL § 3982]—(NRS A 1961, 547; 1977, 249; 1993, 1745; 1997, 462; 1999, 3684; 2003, 2154)