1. Provide a suitable method for the rapid drainage of surface water from the area where each dog or cat is kept.
2. Provide each dog or cat with a sufficient amount of shelter to:
(a) Remain dry from rain and snow;
(b) Have enough shade to protect itself from any direct sunlight that is likely to cause overheating or discomfort; and
(c) Remain warm when the atmospheric temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If the ambient temperature falls below the temperature to which a dog or cat is acclimated, the operator shall provide such an additional amount of clean bedding material or other protection as necessary for the dog or cat to remain warm.
3. After considering the ambient temperature, provide each dog or cat with a sufficient amount of food and water necessary to sustain it in a healthy condition at that temperature.
(Added to NRS by 1993, 2147)