1. Any person may apply to the State Sealer of Weights and Measures for licensure as a public weighmaster with authority to issue state certificates of weights and measures upon which the purchase or sale of commodities or charge for services or equipment will be based.
2. Before issuing a license as a public weighmaster, the State Sealer of Weights and Measures or a deputy thereof must:
(a) Test all weighing apparatus to be used.
(b) Inspect the premises intended for such use.
(c) Be satisfied that the applicant is in every way equipped, qualified, competent and of such character that the person should be issued a license as a public weighmaster.
[Part 1:92:1923; NCL § 8307] + [Part 9:92:1923; A 1955, 295]—(NRS A 1977, 614; 2003, 2326)