1. As used in this section:
(a) “Candy” includes candies, cakes, cookies, glaceed fruits, prepared cereals and similar products.
(b) “Chocolate ice cream” means ice cream flavored with chocolate or cocoa.
(c) “Fruit ice cream” means ice cream containing not less than 3 percent by weight of clean, mature, sound fruit or its equivalent in other forms.
(d) “Nut or candy ice cream” means ice cream containing not less than 1 percent by weight of sound, nonrancid nut meats or candy.
2. No frozen dessert may be labeled or sold in this state as ice cream unless it:
(a) Weighs at least 4.5 pounds per gallon;
(b) Contains at least 6 percent of milk solids not fat; and
(c) Except as provided in subsection 3, contains at least 10 percent of milk fat and 20 percent of total milk solids.
3. Chocolate ice cream, fruit ice cream and nut or candy ice cream must contain at least 8 percent of milk fat and 16 percent of total milk solids.
4. Frozen desserts may be produced and sold which contain less than the amounts of milk fat required by subsections 2 and 3 for their respective categories of ice cream, but must be labeled:
(a) “Ice milk” if they contain at least 2 percent of milk fat and 11 percent of milk solids;
(b) “Low-fat frozen dairy desserts” if they contain at least 0.5 percent but less than 2 percent milk fat; or
(c) By a name which does not imply a dairy dessert, if they contain less than such amounts.
(Added to NRS by 1967, 1267; A 1983, 452)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 584.014)