1. Whenever any inspection of the dairy farms, milk plants or facilities of an applicant or a permittee necessitates departing beyond the territorial limits of the State of Nevada, the applicant or permittee on whose behalf the inspection is to be made shall pay the per diem expense allowance and travel expenses of the inspector or inspectors for the amount of their travel beyond the territorial limits of the State of Nevada in an amount equivalent to that paid other state officers performing similar duties.
2. Before an inspection is made outside the State of Nevada, the Commission shall collect from the applicant or permittee an amount of money equal to the expenses to be incurred for the inspection. The money must be deposited with the State Treasurer for credit to the appropriate account in the Dairy Commission Fund and may be used only to pay for claims filed in accordance with this section.
3. Failure of an applicant or a permittee to pay the amount demanded by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 is a ground for the denial, suspension or revocation of a permit. Money paid by any applicant or permittee pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 must not be refunded.
[5:313:1955]—(NRS A 1961, 458; 1963, 971; 1967, 1177; 1973, 1406; 1981, 337; 2001, 2427)