1. A licensed tester shall, in addition to the records required to be kept by NRS 584.215 to 584.285, inclusive, record all tests made by the tester in a permanent book of record, a form for which must be supplied at cost or approved by the Commission, and tests must be indelibly recorded in the record book in such a manner as to identify the patron whose milk or cream has been tested, and also in such a manner as to prevent erasures or changes being made in these tests.
2. The record must be at all times during business hours kept open for inspection by the Commission or its agents, or by any officer of the city and county board of health, or by any peace officer of the city, county or state, or by any patron who may be delivering milk or cream to the plant or place where such tests are made.
[4:167:1921; A 1955, 282]—(NRS A 2001, 2433)