584.555 Hearing to determine whether producers desire fluid milk plan. The Commission shall, prior to the formulation of a stabilization and marketing plan for fluid milk for any marketing area, conduct a public hearing in the area for the purpose of determining whether or not producers whose major interest in the fluid milk business is in the production of fluid milk for the marketing area, and who represent not less than 65 percent of the total number of producers whose major interest in the fluid milk business is in the production of fluid milk for the marketing area, and who produce not less than 65 percent of the total volume of the fluid milk produced for the marketing area by all such producers, desire that a stabilization and marketing plan for fluid milk be formulated for the area; but if a petition is presented to the Commission by the producers whose major interest in the fluid milk business is in the production of fluid milk for the marketing area, and who represent not less than 65 percent of the total number of producers whose major interest in the fluid milk business is in the production of fluid milk for the marketing area, and who produce not less than 65 percent of the total volume of the fluid milk produced for the marketing area by all such producers, it shall not be necessary that such hearing be held.