1. To provide money for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter by assessments to be paid by producers of fluid milk or fluid cream, or both, and from licenses issued to distributors in the manner prescribed herein.
2. To authorize and enable the Commission to prescribe marketing areas and to fix prices at which fluid milk or fluid cream, or both, may be sold by producers, distributors and retailers, which areas and prices are necessary due to varying factors of costs of production, health regulations, transportation and other factors in the marketing areas of this state, but the price of fluid milk or fluid cream within any marketing area must be uniform for all purchasers of fluid milk or fluid cream of similar grade or quality under like terms and conditions.
3. To authorize and enable the Commission to formulate stabilization and marketing plans subject to the limitations prescribed in NRS 584.325 to 584.670, inclusive, with respect to the contents of the stabilization and marketing plans and to declare the plans in effect for any marketing area.
4. To enable the dairy industry with the aid of the State to correct existing evils, develop and maintain satisfactory marketing conditions, and bring about a reasonable amount of stability and prosperity in the production and marketing of fluid milk and fluid cream.
[16:387:1955]—(NRS A 1959, 894; 1975, 1492; 2001, 2434)