1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3:
(a) The Administrator or a representative authorized to act on behalf of the Administrator may at any time within 1 year after the date of an initial determination that a person is an insured worker reopen the determination on the grounds of nondisclosure or misrepresentation of material fact, error, mistake or additional information, and may make a redetermination denying all or part of any benefits previously allowed or allowing all or part of any benefits previously denied.
(b) At any time within 1 year after the end of any week with respect to which a determination allowing or denying benefits has been made, the Administrator or a representative authorized to act on behalf of the Administrator may reopen the determination on the grounds of error, mistake or additional information and make a redetermination denying all or part of any benefits previously allowed or allowing all or part of any benefits previously denied.
(c) At any time within 2 years after the end of any week with respect to which a determination allowing or denying benefits has been made, the Administrator or a representative authorized to act on behalf of the Administrator may reopen the determination on the grounds of nondisclosure or misrepresentation of a material fact and make a redetermination denying all or part of any benefits previously allowed or allowing all or part of any benefits previously denied.
2. Notice of any redetermination must be promptly furnished to the claimant and any other party entitled to receive the original determination.
3. No determination described in subsection 1 may be reopened if an Appeal Tribunal has rendered a decision respecting that determination.
[6:129:1937; renumbered 6.6:129:1937 and A 1951, 346; A 1955, 698]—(NRS A 1981, 396; 1993, 1828)