1. After a hearing, an Appeal Tribunal shall make its findings promptly and on the basis thereof affirm, modify or reverse the determination. Each party must be promptly furnished a copy of the decision and the supporting findings.
2. The decision is final unless an appeal to the Board of Review or a request for review or appeal to the Board of Review is filed, within 11 days after the decision has been mailed to each party’s last known address or otherwise delivered to the party. The 11-day period may be extended for good cause shown.
3. A request for review or appeal to the Board of Review shall be deemed to be filed on the date it is delivered to the Division, or, if it is mailed, on the postmarked date appearing on the envelope in which it was mailed, if the postage was prepaid and the envelope was properly addressed to one of the offices of the Division.
4. The time provided for in this section must be computed in the manner provided in NRS 612.495.
[6:129:1937; renumbered 6.12:129:1937 and A 1951, 348]—(NRS A 1959, 903; 1993, 1830; 2005, 447)