1. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, company, corporation, society, association or organization of any kind doing business in this state by himself, herself, itself, themselves, his, her, its or their agents or attorneys to induce, influence, persuade or engage workers to change from one place to another in this state, or to bring workers of any class or calling into this state to work in any of the departments of labor in this state, through means of false or deceptive representations, false advertising or false pretenses concerning:
(a) The kind and character of the work to be done;
(b) The amount and character of the compensation to be paid for such work;
(c) The sanitary or other conditions of their employment; or
(d) The existence or nonexistence of a strike or other trouble pending between the employer and employees at the time of or prior to such engagement, proposal or contract for such employment of workers.
2. Any person, persons, company, corporation, society, association or organization of any kind doing business in this state, as well as his, her, their or its agents, attorneys, servants or associates, violating any of the provisions of subsection 1 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
3. Any worker of this state or any worker of another state who has been or shall be influenced, induced or persuaded to engage with any person mentioned in subsection 1, or any company, corporation, society or organization mentioned in subsection 1, through or by means of any of the things therein prohibited, shall have a cause of action for recovery and may recover at law for all damages that the worker shall have sustained in consequence of the false or deceptive representations, false advertising or false pretenses used to induce the worker to change his or her place of employment, or place of abode in case such worker shall not be then employed at the time of such inducement and hiring, against any person or persons, corporations, companies or associations directly or indirectly causing such damages. In any action under this section for the recovery of such damages, the court shall have the power to award a reasonable attorney’s fee in favor of the prevailing party, which fee shall be taxed as costs against the losing party therein.
[1:154:1911; RL § 1936; NCL § 2772] + [2:154:1911; RL § 1937; NCL § 2773] + [3:154:1911; RL § 1938; NCL § 2774]—(NRS A 1967, 631)