1. Any widow, widower, surviving child or surviving dependent parent who resides in this State and who receives death benefits on account of an industrial injury or a disablement from an occupational disease which occurred before July 1, 1973, is entitled to a 65 percent increase in those benefits without regard to any limitation on wages imposed by chapters 616A to 616D, inclusive, of NRS on the amount of those benefits.
2. The increase must be paid from the Account for Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities.
(Added to NRS by 1973, 538; A 1975, 823; 1979, 1520; 1981, 1227; 1985, 723; 1987, 589; 1991, 1802)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 616.628)