1. If an employee who has been hired or is regularly employed in this State receives a personal injury by an accident arising out of and in the course of such employment outside this State, and the employee, or the employee’s personal or legal representatives, dependents or next of kin commence any action or proceeding in any other state to recover any damages or compensation from his or her employer for the injury or death, the act of commencing such an action or proceeding constitutes an irrevocable waiver of all compensation for the injury or death to which persons would otherwise have been entitled under the laws of this State.
2. If the injured employee or the employee’s personal or legal representatives, dependents or next of kin recover a final judgment against the employer for damages arising out of the injury or death in any court of competent jurisdiction in any other state, the compensation which would otherwise have been payable under the laws of this State, up to the full amount thereof, but less any sums previously paid for the injury or death, must be applied in satisfaction of the judgment as follows:
(a) Upon receipt of an authenticated copy of the final judgment and writ of execution or other process issued in aid thereof, the insurer shall immediately determine the total amount of compensation which would have been payable under the laws of this State if a claim therefor had been made to the insurer. In the case of compensation payable in installments, the insurer shall convert it into a lump sum by such a system of computation as the Administrator deems proper.
(b) The insurer shall thereupon order to be paid in full or partial satisfaction of the judgment a sum not to exceed the total amount of compensation computed as provided in this section or the amount of the judgment, whichever is less.
(c) Except for a self-insured employer or an employer who is a member of an association of self-insured public or private employers, if the judgment is satisfied fully by the employer before any payment by the private carrier pursuant to paragraph (b), the amount payable thereunder must be paid to the employer.
[74.2:168:1947; added 1955, 187]—(NRS A 1979, 1054; 1981, 1169, 1489; 1995, 2031; 1999, 1778)